
About Kubikat

Kubikat is the collective catalogue of four of the leading German scholarly research institutes in the field of art history:

  • Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence, Max-Planck-Institut (www.khi.fi.it)
  • Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich (www.zikg.eu), funded by the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst
  • Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte / Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art in Paris (dfk-paris.org), funded by Max Weber Stiftung - Foundation of German Humanities Institutes Abroad
  • Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte in Rome (www.biblhertz.it)

The catalogue project began in 1993 as a joint initiative of the institutes in Munich, Rome and Florence, supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Since December 1998 the catalogue was accessible to the public through the database "Allegro". The 2011 relaunch with an Aleph-500 database, hosted by the computing center GWDG for the Max Planck Society, integrated the holdings data of the German Centre for the History of Art in Paris.

At the same time, Kubikat started a collaboration with the Union Catalogue of Bavarian Libraries (BVB). All holdings data are now searchable in the BVB database and other search engines, such as the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK). Kubikat is also participating in the OCLC-WorldCat based Art Discovery Group Catalogue. Complete item information like shelfmarks, availability and specific subject entries, however, can only be retrieved in www.kubikat.org.

Kubikat collaborates with the Share Virtual Discovery Environment (Share-VDE) project that uses BIBFRAME data to make it easy to explore the connections between authors, original works and publications held by the Kubikat member libraries.

As the largest art libraries database Kubikat currently contains more than two million records including more than one million articles in scholarly periodicals, conference papers, commemorative volumes and exhibition catalogues. Searches can also be restricted to the holdings of one of the member institutions (with the exception of article records).

For the holdings of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich, a document delivery service ZI-Dokumentlieferdienst is available.

The following abbreviations show the location of a specific item:

  • KHI = Florence
  • BZI = Munich
  • DFK = Paris
  • BHR = Rome

Data summary

Total number of each entity type in the system (the look up is done in real time):